17/01/2021 ROS, Jarvis, Arduino, firmware, booklet

Jarvis Arduino firmware

This post is the follow up post of the previous JETTY: Jarvis Serial to ROS-2 Transport Layer post.

The arduino firmware on the one hand implements the JETTY protocol for communicating with ROS and on the other hand takes care of all low-level hardware communication including:

  • Reading of battery voltage from the ADS1115 16-Bit ADC sensor
  • Reading of 9DOF IMU sensor data from MPU 9250 IMU sensor
  • Reading of raw odometry data from two motor magnetic encoders
  • Control two motor via Adafruit Motor Shield V2

The Jarvis booklet section Arduino Firmware presents the insight detail on the firmware implementation. It covers the following topics:

  1. The JETTY protocol implementation on Arduino
  2. Different routines implemented on the firmware
  3. Odometry data reading from hall effect sensor
  4. A strategy for battery voltage reading and monitoring
  5. Motors controlling

Follow up reading at: https://doc.iohub.dev/jarvis/Ym9vazovLy9jXzIvc18yL0lOVFJPLm1k/Arduino_Firmware.md

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