AntOS v 0.2.3-alpha release: AntOSDK - a development kit for AntOS application
A new release of AntOS, it is now in the beta state, but i'll keep the alpha branch on the release for a few further releases.
Change logs
- Fix bugs and improve stability
- DotEditor app is renamed to GraphEditor and use mermaid to generate graphs instead of dot
- AntOS in now under GPLv3 licence, if you want to use it for comercial purpose, please contact me
- Blogger is no longer default application, it is moved to MarketPlace
- Add svg support to Preview
- MarketPlace now can detect if an application update is available
- Add AntoSDK, a development kit that allows to develop, build, and package your own application right in the browser, it is available on MarketPlace
- New UI elements: afx-slider, tooltip
The verdict of this release is the introduction of AntOSDK, the in browser development kit:
- Automatically generate project template and files
- In browser Coffeescript to javascript compiler
- Automatically build and run project directly from browser
- Editor powered by ACE editor library
- Automatically generate release package in zip format that can be put on MarketPlace

Applications developed using AntOSDK can be found on this repository: They can be used as example projects for AntOSDK
A tutorial of how to develop AntOS applications using AntOSDK available here: