CI & automation: Multi-architecture build of software with Jenkins and Docker

Multi-arch software building and distribution is a complex and time-consuming maintenance task in which maintainer/developer need to compile somehow their software for all supported architectures, often, on a single machine. Automation solution such as Jenkins allows to automatize this task and facilitating continuous integration and continuous delivery. Multi-arch software building on a single machine involves the use of different techniques:

  • Cross-build: using a cross-toochain to build the software for each target system. This solution is simple but with the cost of polluting the host system with many toolchains which maybe incompatible one to another. Maintenance and update of these toolchains are complicated to manage.
  • Virtualization solutions such as docker address these problem by using a sandboxed/containerized image with all tools necessary to build the software for each target architecture. Docker facilitate the setup, maintenance and update of different building environments using images.

This post introduces the basic steps of setting up an automation server that allows to build and distribute multi-arch software using Jenkins and docker.

26/06/2020 docker, AntOS, image, container, API

Running your own AntOS VDE system using a Docker image

Update: The image is now available on Docker Hub at: (image: xsangle/antosaio:latest). This post has been updated with the latest instructions on how to host a local instance of AntOS VDE using Docker.

Building and setting up AntOS from scratch can be complex, as it requires configuring and connecting many backend and front-end components. To simplify the use of AntOS as a self-hosted environment, I have created a Docker image layer for an all-in-one AntOS system that contains everything needed to host AntOS on your server. This layer allows you to build a minimal Docker image with a working AntOS system out-of-the-box:

  • The web server (HTTP/HTTPS depending on the server configuration) + plugins
  • AntOS server-side API
  • AntOS client-side API

The Docker images are available at:

How does it work?

Follow the steps below to create an AntOS instance. First, create the working directory (e.g., /tmp/antos). All user data will be stored in this location. In this example, we use /tmp/antos, but in a real scenario, you should use a permanent storage location.

# modify with your own working directory
mkdir -p /tmp/antos

Run a container with docker

docker run \
    -p 8080:80 \
    --rm \
    -v /tmp/antos:/app \
    -e ANTOS_USER=demo \
    -e ANTOS_PASSWORD=demo \
    -it xsangle/antosaio:latest

Or with docker compose: docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'
    image: xsangle/antosaio:latest
    privileged: true
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
    container_name: antos_demo
          memory: 200m
          cpus: '0.5'
    hostname: demo
      - ANTOS_USER=demo
      - ANTOS_PASSWORD=demo
      - /tmp/antos/:/app


docker compose up

AntOS is now accessible via http://localhost:8080/os/ or using IP address http://YOUR_MACHINE_IP:8080/os/


The docker image provides user with a ready to go (out-of-the-box) AntOS VDE system. This is useful in many user-cases:

  • Quickly setup environment for AntOS applications development
  • Scalable multi-user cloud-base service with AntOS and Kubenetes. Alternative to Ownclod, Google Cloud, Dropbox etc, with a more intuitive and user-friendly GUI, and more applications
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