26/06/2020 docker, AntOS, image, container, API

Running your own AntOS VDE system using a Docker image

Update: The image is now available on Docker Hub at: https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio (image: xsangle/antosaio:latest). This post has been updated with the latest instructions on how to host a local instance of AntOS VDE using Docker.

Building and setting up AntOS from scratch can be complex, as it requires configuring and connecting many backend and front-end components. To simplify the use of AntOS as a self-hosted environment, I have created a Docker image layer for an all-in-one AntOS system that contains everything needed to host AntOS on your server. This layer allows you to build a minimal Docker image with a working AntOS system out-of-the-box:

  • The web server (HTTP/HTTPS depending on the server configuration) + plugins
  • AntOS server-side API
  • AntOS client-side API

The Docker images are available at: https://hub.docker.com/r/xsangle/antosaio/

How does it work?

Follow the steps below to create an AntOS instance. First, create the working directory (e.g., /tmp/antos). All user data will be stored in this location. In this example, we use /tmp/antos, but in a real scenario, you should use a permanent storage location.

# modify with your own working directory
mkdir -p /tmp/antos

Run a container with docker

docker run \
    -p 8080:80 \
    --rm \
    -v /tmp/antos:/app \
    -e ANTOS_USER=demo \
    -e ANTOS_PASSWORD=demo \
    -it xsangle/antosaio:latest

Or with docker compose: docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'
    image: xsangle/antosaio:latest
    privileged: true
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
    container_name: antos_demo
          memory: 200m
          cpus: '0.5'
    hostname: demo
      - ANTOS_USER=demo
      - ANTOS_PASSWORD=demo
      - /tmp/antos/:/app


docker compose up

AntOS is now accessible via http://localhost:8080/os/ or using IP address http://YOUR_MACHINE_IP:8080/os/


The docker image provides user with a ready to go (out-of-the-box) AntOS VDE system. This is useful in many user-cases:

  • Quickly setup environment for AntOS applications development
  • Scalable multi-user cloud-base service with AntOS and Kubenetes. Alternative to Ownclod, Google Cloud, Dropbox etc, with a more intuitive and user-friendly GUI, and more applications
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